Give me 2 hours, and I'll show you how to increase your income by $1,825. And that's just the start!

5 Bucks a Day Webinars

My name is Dennis Becker. In October 2006, I released my now famous book "5 Bucks a Day". At the time, I never thought that my life could possibly change so drastically.

But it did. So too did the lives of many of my readers, or so I've been told.

Beginning with the 300+ copies that sold that week, and many thousands since, I built that book into a veritable brand of its own. Since that launch, I've been known everywhere except the Warrior Forum as simply "5buckguy".

From the book came a free forum for purchasers. That led to my Earn1KaDay membership site which celebrated it's 2nd anniversary on May 18th, 2009. Who knows what will come next?

The amazing thing is, and if you've read the book you probably know why, 5 Bucks a Day continues to sell well to this day.

In an era where launches last a week, or even hours, and then everyone is on to the next new shiny object, it's gratifying to be associated with something that's evergreen ... that isn't reliant on a particular social media site ... that works without being blackhat ... that won't be disturbed by a search engine algorithm change ... that has already stood the test of time and will continue to do so.

Because 5 Bucks a Day isn't about a specific technique, it's about a mental approach to maximizing your existing marketing (including but not limited to Internet marketing) skills.

Change your mindset and you'll change your results. 5 Bucks a Day will change your mindset.

Or, in other words, I like to tell people, "if you keep on what you've been doing, you'll keep on getting what you've been getting". Do you want to get more? If so, I think I can help. That attitude isn't from arrogance, it's from knowing and seeing what many of my readers have done since reading the book.

Now, I thought I was pretty bright and ambitious, but over the almost 3 years since I wrote the book, I've been asked numerous times, when is 5 Bucks a Day going to be made into at least an audio podcast, so that people can put it on their iPod and refresh their mind while they work out or jog? It was always on my list.

It's no longer on the list, it's here, today.

The 5 Bucks a Day Webinars

Recently, with the help of my friends, Robert Plank, Jason Fladlien, and Michael Gunn, I put the finishing touches on 2 separate webinars. First you learn:

The 5 Bucks a Day Strategy

This one runs 45 minutes, and goes into depth about the 5 Bucks a Day strategy.

In less than an hour I explain the strategy in a nutshell, how I came to discover it after years of struggling, my experiences before and then after my life-changing ah-ha moment, the 2 controlling influences on your life, the four essential keys that your must be aware of if you want to make maximum use of the strategy, and my six favorite mottos that, once burned into your brain, will ensure your long term success.

Yes, the 5 Bucks a Day strategy is relatively simple. But overlook just one or two of the key concepts that I've formulated and refined over the years, and you have nothing more than an idea that sometimes will and sometimes won't work. Forget just one thing, and you'll also have fertile soil for frustration to grow like weeds, leading some less patient souls to give up.

So that's webinar one. I also touch on different ideas for recurring income streams in that session, but only a touch, because webinar two is all about:

Developing 5 Bucks a Day Recurring Income Streams

In this 1 hour, 15 minute session, Michael Gunn helps me as I explain 10 different methods to develop the recurring income that people that follow the strategy are looking for. In this session, I just about lost my voice by the end, it was pretty much non-stop talking, something that I haven't done so much of in quite a while.

Not everyone is alike, that's why the 5 Bucks a Day strategy is perfect for so many, because it's so flexible.

With these 10 different idea starters, with multiple variations on each, you should have enough to keep you going for years. This webinar puts the "no" into no-fluff courses, I'm sure you'll agree.

Unfortunately, this is where I goofed up and this is why today's price is so low.

Whereas the strategy webinar was run by Robert and Jason, webinar production experts, and was done in first class fashion, the recurring income streams one was my first attempt to run a webinar myself. Not being totally familiar with the software interface, I didn't realize that you had to click on a particular button in order to let attendees be able to hear you. They could see fine, but not a sound. Oops.

And in my anxiety and nervousness, I neglected to turn off the phones in my office, and they rang a couple times during the session. Oops again.

So there were no questions from the audience on this webinar, but still, the content was as complete as I intended, and I'm definitely proud about how it turned out, other than the obvious goof-ups mentioned.

Because of the minor production glitches, you stand to benefit. I need to decide whether or not I need to reshoot the webinar that I ran. Depending on feedback, I'll either do that, or not.

In either case, my plan is to use the webinars as an upsell or one time offer for those who purchase the main book, or as a separate product in its own right. But at a higher price than you're being offered today.

Both webinars, 2 full hours, no fluff, no pitch, nothing but solid content where you'll come away knowing exactly what's made me successful over the last few years.

But more than my success, it's what has made many, many of my readers successful as well. I have the testimonials on file, on the main sales page for the book, inside the Earn1KaDay site, and in my personal archives.

I'm not going to clutter up this sales letter with them, though, because those testimonials would be for the book, or for Earn1KaDay, and not the webinars being sold here. Hopefully you'll like what you see, and leave your glowing testimonials here, but that's your call. No bonus if you do, no penalty if you don't.

And I truly expect that releasing the strategy in video form with these webinars will more than double the penetration and effectiveness of the original strategy. Technology has improved so much since I originally penned the book, I think you'll be very pleased at what you see.

The deal is, both webinars for one low price, with the price increasing after each sale. So, the price you see right now, might not be quite so low if you come back even 10 minutes from now.

What you'll get, immediately after you purchase, will be access to the download page. There you can stream the webinars in your browser in Flash format, or you can, if you wish, download to your computer. The downloads total around 200 MB, and include the videos in both WMV and M4V format, with M4V you can put on your iPod if you like.

Also inside the download you'll find the mp3 audios, so you can put them on your mp3 player. And you'll also have find there the mindmaps for both webinars, so you can do whatever you want with them (even modify them if you want to add your own ideas to mine).

That being said, it's time to ask you to click the button below, before someone else causes the price to jump up yet again. And if you feel this offer isn't for you, no harm.

I also like to say "Nothing's for everyone, and something's for everyone", so if you're not someone who wants to spend two hours to see if you can increase your income by many thousands of dollars this year, I respect your decision, and I wish you nothing but the best in all you do.

But really, where's the risk? Spend two hours, give the strategy a chance to work (you'll learn when you watch why I say give it at least 3 weeks). If you're still not convinced, ask me for a refund. Take your time, I'm easy to get along with, and I truly want you to succeed. So ...

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