Stop Buying More PLR Content!

You Don't Need More PLR Articles,

Reports, And Ebooks That Are Going

To Take Up Hard-Drive Space

On Your Computer...

You Do Need To Take What You Already

Have And Turn It Into Spendable Cash!


Profit From PLR Course
Let me show you how you can turn your existing PLR
content into cash money in dozens of different ways.

Everyone who buys Profit From PLR will automatically receive
a high-ticket PLR package that currently sells for $197. (Details below)


Dear Friend,

Imagine a guy who buys a car, parks it in his garage and then starts car shopping again.

He sees another great car, buys it, parks it next to the first one and heads out again.

Over and over again he buys cars - sometimes he looks for them, other times a good salesman finds him. He buys them, but he never drives them.

Soon, his driveway is filled with parked cars. His yard is jam-packed. The road he lives on is lined with his cars. They're everywhere - all parked, all sitting there beautiful and loaded with value ... but never driven.

Why doesn't he drive them?

It's simple, really.

He doesn't know how to drive them.

Puzzling, huh? I'm sure you're asking the same question that I'd be asking at this point, "Why does he keep buying them instead of learning how to drive them?"

Nobody knows. It's unclear why anyone would keep buying something over and over again without ever learning how to use it.

What's almost as crazy is this:

Buying a car just to use the CD player.

I mean, that would be filed under the "Odd" heading too, wouldn't it? Buying a bunch of cars and using only the CD players.

And yet...

The Vast Majority of PLR Buyers Stockpile Content On Their

Computers And Never Do Anything To Make Money

I've done it. You've done it. Almost everyone who has ever bought PLR content has done it. A great bargain comes along. It's too irresistible to pass up. The credit card comes out. The purchase is made and the content is downloaded.

Then what?

It sits there like a parked car, along with other parked cars that we've already purchased, just waiting for future parked cars to join it.

Here's the truth of the matter:

1. Most people who have bought PLR have done NOTHING with it to make money.

2. Some people have used part of the content to make a little money.

3. Very few people have generated significant cash from PLR content.

4. Almost no one has used all of their content to its maximum profit potential.

Seriously, that's a really good look at the PLR industry. I'm guessing 80% of those who buy PLR content fall into that first category. Probably around 15% fall into category two. Maybe 4% are in category three. And I've no doubt that less than 1% (if anybody at all) is in that fourth category.

I started the entire PLR industry and I'm not in that fourth category, so I don't know who is.

At any rate, the fact is that a lot of PLR content is being purchased, but not a lot of it is being used effectively to make the buyer money.

  • If you aren't using the PLR content on your computer to regularly and consistently generate money for you, then you're just buying cars without ever driving them.

  • If you aren't using ALL of the PLR content on your computer in MULTIPLE WAYS to regularly and consistently generate money for you, then you're just buying cars to listen to the CD player.

Take An Honest Inventory Of Your PLR Content

And Ask Yourself One Very Simple Question...

Look at your past PLR purchases (try saying that fast three times ... what a tongue-twister!) and then look at what you've done with that PLR content. Ask yourself one very simple question...

Am I satisfied with the amount of money
I've made from the PLR content I've purchased?

If you're completely satisfied with the amount of money you've made from your PLR purchases, then you can exit stage left because this isn't for you. Seriously, if you feel like you're in that "category four" from above -- if you're one of those "1%" -- then I salute you with a sincere "congratulations".

But, if you're like most people and you know that you've spent money (sometimes a LOT of money) on PLR content that you haven't converted into the kind of cash you'd like, then let's talk.

I know how to make money from PLR content.

I've been on both sides of it - a buyer and a seller. I know this industry as well as anyone. And I know as much about turning content in profit streams as anyone does.

And I can help you generate revenue from the PLR content you've already purchased.

That is, after all, my point...

You've Already Got The PLR Content Paid For.

The Money Has Already Been Spent.

Why Wouldn't You Want To Use What You Already

Have Purchased To Make Money?

That's the best part of it. You've got the assets in place ... you just need some help in using those assets to generate income.

There are really only two ways to look at it...

1. You don't mind wasting the money you've already spent.


2. You want to get a nice return on what you've already spent.

The money is already gone. Either way, you've spent it. The PLR content is on your computer, right?

You either use it to make money or you don't.

That's your call. And I'm guessing your call is going to be to put that PLR content to use. Nobody wants to just throw away their hard-earned cash. And there's certainly no reason why you can't enjoy some profit from using the PLR you've already purchased.


Profit From PLR: How To Turn PLR Into Spendable Cash

Starting today (you can download this course immediately!) you can enroll in my new Profit From PLR E-Course where I will teach you how to turn PLR content into spendable cash.

Here's what you receive ...

  • Premium Training Curriculum in downloadable PDF format. In each lesson you will receive a "premium" training manual (specific details below) teaching you how to take PLR content and put it to work producing orders. When I say "premium" I mean this: thorough, meaty (no "fluff"), actionable content. Follow along at your own pace.

  • Professionally Designed visual process maps. Rather than provide you with yet another "mindmap" (you know, those "spidery" designs usually created with cheap software), I've had a professional graphic designer create visual process maps for you. These are beautiful! Print them out for easy access to help you complete projects.

  • Accessory Checklists and Worksheets. Each lesson also includes a custom-tailored accessory that was developed specifically for that lesson's teaching. Sometimes it's a checklist, other times a worksheet ... and sometimes a combination of both. These aren't just "thrown in" to add perceived value, but rather are included to add REAL value to you in terms of usefulness.

  • Extra Enhancement Supplemental Materials. In addition, in each lesson you'll receive a short supplement to aid you in completing that lesson's action steps. Sometimes these are brainstorming sessions, other times how-to reports.

This is going to be a monumental event for ANYONE who wants to learn how to take PLR content and turn it into actual streams of income for their business. It's like a giant "light bulb" that illuminates the mind as to HOW to use the very things you've already purchased to bring profit for you - instead of just gathering e-dust on your computer.

So, let's see "what's in it for YOU"...

Here's Exactly What You'll Learn From

This Amazing Course (Starting Today!)...

Briefly, I'd like to show you what's included in this course - specific things each lesson is going to cover. I've used the acronym "C.L.A.S.S." to describe the curriculum we'll be covering in the course...

C - Clone
L - Leverage
A - Assets
S - Sales
S - Schedule

Here's a breakdown of the five Profit From PLR manuals...

Manual #1: CLONE. In the first manual, I'll teach you how to take the "least of all PLR" and turn it into a promotional machine that advertises your business for you at absolutely no cost. In How To R.E.W.R.I.T.E. a PLR Article and 27 Ways To Distribute It, you'll learn easy methods for taking stock PLR articles (I'm guessing you have dozens and maybe even hundreds of them on your computer -- you can buy them for as little as a nickel apiece!), rewriting them and then setting them in motion through dozens of DIFFERENT KINDS of distribution channels. Everything we do moving forward will build upon this foundation.


Manual #2: LEVERAGE. In the second manual, I'll teach you exactly how to setup an entire system that generates leads, converts those leads into paying customers and convinces those customers to make repeated purchases. How To Setup A  M.O.N.E.Y. Funnel is your ultimate guide to setting up an autopilot system which uses PLR content to generate traffic, presell offers and get sales for products you promote. Your ezine articles promote a free mini-course which promotes a low-cost offer which promotes a membership site which promotes a high-ticket offer ... all of which is YOURS!


Manual #3: ASSETS. In the third manual, it's all about diversity as I'll teach you dozens of ways to take PLR content and launch it out onto the Internet to generate cash streams. As you read 27 Ways To Profit From PLR, you'll discover techniques for taking the PLR content on your computer and using it in a myriad of ways to "spread" your business and "multiply" your profits.


Manual #4: SALES. In the fourth manual, I'll teach you the "mother lode" of PLR profit ... SELLING PLR to OTHER PEOPLE! Our lesson, How to Setup Your Own PLR Business, will show you how to make money from PLR content from the vendor side ... a complete system for creating content (outsource this if you like) and finding customers to buy the PLR products from YOU. This final lesson is invaluable to you as you can now become a provider of PLR content instead of being just a buyer of it.


Manual #5: SCHEDULE. In the fifth manual, I'll provide you with a "day by day" blueprint for using PLR content to earn income. The 31-Day Guide To Profiting From PLR is your 58-page operations manual, complete with an action step to complete each day for an entire month. You can use this manual over and over again to continue growing your business with PLR materials long after you finish this course.

As you can see, this really is a comprehensive look at using PLR content to turn a profit. As a student, I think you'll agree that it lives up to the name "Profit From PLR"!

We're going to cover it all...

  • A simple 7-step plan for rewriting PLR articles to make them your own original content.

  • Dozens of PLR rewrite examples literally *showing* you a myriad of ways to tweak PLR content to make it truly yours.

  • More than 2 dozen different ways to put those articles to work bringing you traffic, subscribers and sales.

  • Surprisingly easy methods of breathing new life into tired and lame "junk" PLR content ... learn to salvage that useless content that you spent money on and actually profit from it.

  • How even top gun marketers are using PLR content to get "other people" to market their businesses for them - and you can too.

  • The ultimate plan for using PLR to setup a system which drives traffic to your site, builds your list, presells offers, gets subscribers to buy and produces repeat purchases ... automatically.

  • How to assemble "bits and pieces" of PLR into an actual business that generates a sustainable income - and how to repeat this over and over again with different funnels.

  • The truth about where to score "big bucks" with PLR - don't be one of those people who sells low-cost stuff only which requires thousands of customers (impossible for most people) to make any significant money.

  • The perfect way to "graduate" people from casual reader to low-ticket customer to membership site member to big-ticket purchaser.

  • Actual "fill in the blank" templates you can customize and make your own to write articles, emails, mini-course lessons and more.

  • 27 ways to use PLR to make money for you business - many of them are often overlooked and can be setup very quickly to produce results almost overnight.

  • Ideas for using PLR content to create slideshow videos, websites to flip, firesales and more -- things most people never think about are right at their fingertips.

  • What to do to setup "evergreen" systems, which you "set and forget", that generate results for you while you're off working on other projects.

  • Shortcuts that successful PLR users take that will save you time and money (did you know you can use PLR content to answer "frequently asked questions" to cut your support costs and time down to virtually nothing?)

  • My favorite "subtle" ways to use PLR to promote offers - these are super opportunities to "warm" people up to your offers while helping and equipping them for free.

  • Virtually everything you need to know about "profiting from PLR" from the inside out, from start to finish, from nothing to orders.

  • A step-by-step system for setting up your own highly profitable PLR business -- become a SELLER of PLR content instead of just a buyer.

  • How to find quality ghostwriters (and negotiate reasonable fees) so you can provide PLR content to others that keeps them satisfied and coming back for more.

  • Simple methods for determining what customers are willing to pay for BEFORE you ever have it created ... this all but guarantees your success as a PLR seller.

  • The best ways to get customers for your PLR content so you can build your business fast -- and then get those customers to make additional purchases while you're finding even more customers.

  • A day-by-day schedule of action steps to get you going and then keep you growing as you profit from PLR content.

  • Where to find high quality PLR content at low prices (if you want more), including a checklist of criteria to help you purchase only what will make you money quickly.

  • Step-by-step instructions for taking PLR content that you've already purchased and turning it into actual paid orders.

  • What to do every day of the month to build your PLR business from the ground up and continue growing it over the weeks, months and years to come.

  • A set of useful checklists: rewriting content, finding and hiring ghostwriters, simple tweaks, marketing your content, etc.

  • Simple things you can do to increase the perceived value of your PLR offers and get more sales automatically. (There's a reason why some offers sell for $3 and others $30 and others $300.)

  • Ready made research ... 101 niche topics that are proven to be "in-demand" for you to target with your PLR content.

  • How to tell stories, arouse curiosity and other writer "tricks of the trade" to connect with your readers to keep them satisfied and buying more.

  • What successful PLR users do to turn mediocre content into high-ticket content that outsells others who bought the same PLR materials.

And, truly, that's just a sampling of what's in store.

This Is Your Opportunity To Make Every PLR Purchase

You've Ever Made Worth Something To You

Nobody likes "buyer's remorse". I don't. You don't. Nobody does. Nobody likes buying something and then regretting it later. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth and makes you feel dissatisfied and sometimes even downright foolish.

Especially if you've done it many times.

This course can help you feel good about every PLR purchase you've made (even those "junky" ones because I will show you how to polish them 'til they shine!). The Profit From PLR course can justify every penny you've spent. It can make those purchases worth something to you because you can put that content to work making money for you.

So, let's get you started! You can download the entire curriculum (and all accessories) immediately. As in, You can start today, right now.

I'm not a mind reader, but I can probably guess what you're thinking right now.

How much does the course cost?

Am I right? Probably so. It's all about the cost, right? I heard someone tell me recently, "The only reason something doesn't sell is the cost. People will buy ANYTHING if the price is right".

So, that's where we're at. You want to enroll because it's perfect for you. It's exactly what you need to help you with all the stuff you've got stockpiled. You're ready to join, but it all comes down to that question: what does it cost?

Let me ask you this: how much have you already spent?

Seriously, think of all of the PLR articles, reports, ebooks, products, graphics, etc. that you've purchased which are just sitting there on your computer.

What would it be worth to you to put all of that money to good use instead of just letting it continue to be of no value to you? What would it be worth to you to get training that will allow you to turn what you've already spent money on into something that makes money for you?

Remember what I asked you earlier: are you satisfied with the amount of money you've made from the PLR you've purchased? If you're not, then cost really is irrelevant.

It's all about recouping your investment from all that PLR you've bought
-- and then actually making money from it.

If you look around you'll find that other similar courses sell for $197-$297. I'm not just making that figure up, it's a fact. High level training from top level internet marketers is pricey, especially if the training is as valuable as what is in this course.

I could charge that kind of fee too, but that would limit the number of people who can afford it. And I honestly don't want to do that. I know that there are tens of thousands of people who have purchased PLR content and I want ALL of them to ultimately go through this course.

So, normally what I do with my courses is this: I knock $100-$200 off the "fair market value" of the course and charge something like $197-$297. 

I feel very comfortable with that price point and have no doubt it would be a popular seller. But, I'm going to temporarily knock it down to something so insanely simple that no one can refuse...

Only $97

Now, if you don't think it's worth $97, then you seriously haven't been paying attention. You can go back to your parked cars and listen to the CD player if you don't think it's worth 3X that price. :-)

There should be a smile on your face right now. I know it's a steal. And so do you.

But, I'm even gonna take it up one more notch...

Graduation Bonus: Free High-Quality Package of PLR!

(A *REAL* $197 Value!)

* PLR licensing to 475 Pages of Rock-Solid Content *

I also want to give you and an early graduation gift, for when you complete this course.  When you purchase Profit From PLR I'll be including a download link to a "high ticket" premium PLR package that literally sells for more than you are paying for the course.

It's kinda like buying this PLR course and
getting the entire course for free, and then some!

When you download the Profit From PLR course today you will automatically be given PLR licensing to a high-ticket PLR package of the original author's content. 

The package includes ...

  • Articles
  • Mini-Courses
  • Reports (Primarily "sellable" reports, not freebie reports)
  • Products

If you purchased these offers individually you'd have spent over $200 ... and that would be just for "personal use" only! With this graduation gift, you'll receive PLR licensing to all of the materials!

* PLR licensing to 475 Pages of Rock-Solid Content *

I want to stress this: this isn't some "inflated" value bonus that many marketers like to throw in to raise the "perceived value". This is a PLR offer that really would cost you over $200 to purchase individually!

WARNING: I will replace this graduation bonus with a smaller,
less expensive PLR package at some point in the future.

The ONLY way you are assured of this bonus is to get it today.

(This is *NOT* a "marketing ploy". I do what I say I will do. Ask around.)

The only thing left to do is get started!

You Can Begin Today, Right Now!

Enroll by clicking on the signup link below. Upon completing your order, you'll immediately be taken to the download page for the entire course!

Listen, there's nothing I can say now to convince you one way or the other. You made up your mind ten minutes ago. Now, it's just a matter of formality. Enroll below and get started immediately.

You get it all: The training curriculum in PDF format (a whopping 217 pages of meaty content), the process maps, the accessory checklists and worksheets, the extra supplements,and the high-ticket PLR graduation package!

Enroll now...

Get Started Immediately...

Profit From PLR  ($97)
You've picked a great time to visit this page,
the price has been temporarily reduced,
but it will be rising again very soon!

After your order has been processed you will immediately be taken to a download page where you will be able to access ALL MATERIALS for the course, including the "graduation" bonus PLR package. By ordering you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.

If you don't see that big "Add to Cart" button above,
Click Here to Buy Now

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.


Best regards,

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

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