
Ready To Start Or Scale Your Dream Business?

Here's How To Turn That Dream
Into A Profitable, Purposeful
And Passion-Filled Reality…

Today Is The Day You Move Past The Confusion With A Simple Blueprint
That Makes It Surprisingly Easy To Start Or Scale Your Dream Business!

You've been thinking about starting a business for a long time. Or maybe you've started one and you're trying to figure out how to take things to the next level because it's just not working out the way you hoped it would.  You've read just about everything you can get your hands on. Maybe you've even taken several concrete action steps towards starting or scaling your business.

But you don't get very far. The fears and doubts creep in. You get overwhelmed. Confused.

And it's frustrating when you see others who are doing what you want to do, and they make it look so easy. They're making money, and you're still spinning your wheels. There's that feeling that you've wasted so much time already without really moving forward. And you feel like the window of opportunity is closing on you.  We've been there!

If you've EVER felt like this, if you've EVER wanted to start your dream business but for some reason it just hasn't happened yet, or if you've EVER wondered how to get better results working less so you can spend your time on things that matter to you, then this course is for you.

Introducing Businessentials:  
Your Go-To Blueprint For Starting
And Scaling Your Dream Business!

Businessentials is a no-fluff, quick-read curriculum that introduces you to the "eight essentials" for creating your dream business that allows you to work and profit wherever you want, whenever you want.

When you download Businessentials below, you will…

1) Learn exactly what is "essential" to a successful dream business so you can avoid "shiny objects" and other unnecessary time-wasters.

2) Get real examples of these critical parts so you can understand how to put them to work in your own business.

3) Complete actual "assignments" to immediately make progress as you start and/or scale your dream business.

As you work your way through the Businessentials curriculum, you will clarify your goals, define your business vision, focus on the minimum steps, maximize your results, utilize your strengths, make a real difference, and earn a real profit as your dream business becomes a reality.

Here's Why Running An Online Business
Is The Best Kind Of Business…

Online business is Profitable. The beauty of the business is that you can set up systems that create a passive income for you. And with high demand for products, a very low overhead and a potential for big revenue, online business can be very profitable!

Online business is Passion-Filled. This is one of the best ways to take what you know and turn it into money in the bank. It doesn't even feel like working when you're sharing your knowledge with others over a topic you're passionate about!

Online business is Purposeful. If you want to make a difference and really help people, then there's no better way to do it than through online business. That's because you get the opportunity to focus on niches you really care about. There's no better feeling in the world than knowing you helped someone solve their problem!

Online business is Portable. You can do this from just about anywhere that you can get an internet connection – from your living room couch to the beach of a tropical paradise!

It truly is a dream. That's because…

This sort of business lets you set your own hours, work from anywhere in the world, and develop
passive income streams that keep on putting money in your bank account… even when you're not working!

Now here's the thing…

Most people who try to set up or scale an online business end up stumbling or even outright failing because they get overwhelmed. They start focusing on the wrong things. And they waste time and money chasing strategies that don't work or that they don't need.

That's where Businessentials comes in…

What's Included In Businessentials? founder Jimmy D. Brown has been making a good living with his online business for nearly two decades. During that time, he's deposited multiple millions into his bank account. And he's always had the time and the pleasure of pursuing his hobbies, traveling with his family, and serving God in his ministry.

None of this would be possible with a typical 9-5 job. And certainly, none of it would be possible with a brick and mortar business. That's because an online business provides the freedom, flexibility and financial rewards that most people only dream about.

Don't waste a single moment more trying to figure all this out on your own.  Instead, tap into his nearly two decades of experience to shortcut your success and use the simplest, quickest and best system for starting and scaling a business. Jimmy is well-known for simplifying complex processes.  And that's exactly what you'll find in Businessentials!

No more feeling overwhelmed.  No more focusing on the wrong things.  No more confusion, doubt and frustration.  Because from here on out, you're going to take simple, concrete steps towards making your dream business a reality!  Here's how Businessentials can help you…

Here Are The Eight Essentials For Creating A
Dream Business That You Will Learn More About…
Essential One Market: Five Must-Haves for Choosing Your I.D.E.A.L. Market

One of the first things you need to do when starting a new business is to choose the right market. The right market. A profitable market. An IDEAL market.

So, how do you choose your I.D.E.A.L. market? Simple – you make sure your market has the following five I.D.E.A.L. characteristics:






You'll discover exactly how to evaluate each of these key characteristics to make the perfect market selection.

Essential Two Mission: Crafting a Mission Statement That Defines Your Identity and Impact

Your mission statement tells people why your business exists and how it does what it does. It gives you a clear purpose that will guide your decision-making and help you stay true to what makes you … you. It helps you stand out in the market and stick to what you do best in the market.

Fortunately, creating a mission statement isn't difficult. You can do it using this simple "What-How-Why" formula:

 What Your Company Does + How Your Company Does It
+ Why Your Company Does It = Your Mission Statement.

And inside this lesson we'll go through each component of that formula in detail, plus you'll get plenty of examples to help you create your own powerful mission that drives your business forward!

Essential Three Monetize: Proven Models for Earning $100,000 C.A.S.H. Per Year

Yes, you CAN make a six-figure income with your online business. And inside this lesson you'll find out the four best ways to earn C.A.S.H., including:





You'll find out which of these "big four" methods we recommend, plus you'll get five example models for turning information products into a $100,000 per year business!

Essential Four Minimize: How to Get Maximum Results in Minimal Steps

Yes, a thriving business DOES have a lot of moving parts. But here's the thing… you don't need to put in place all those moving parts right out of the gate. Anyone would get overwhelmed trying to do that.

Because you know what? In order to make money, you only need two things: an offer and a buyer for that offer.

And inside this lesson you'll find out how to put those two pieces into place as quickly as possible so you can start making money. You'll find out:

* The astonishingly easy way to find out what your prospects really want!

* The three easy pieces you need to snap into place if you want to build a big, responsive and profitable mailing list!

* Plus, you'll get three solid ideas for driving traffic to your lead page so you can build your list fast!


Essential Five Model: The Four Key Parts of Your Customer's Path to Profitability
(And What To Put There)

Part of your dream business is to make a lot of money doing what you love, right? If you want to extract maximum profits from your business, then you need to set up a profitability path for your business. And inside this lesson you'll learn about the four pieces of the path to profitability, including:

Free offers: You'll find out what three characteristics your free offers must possess in order to attract prospects and generate sales!

Frontend offers: Here you'll find out how to craft effective frontends that quickly turn a tire-kicking prospect into a cash-paying customer!

Foundational offers: Here you'll learn how to create offers that turn buyers into loyal customers who buy from you again!

Finishing offers. This is where the REAL money lies hidden in your business, and inside this lesson you'll find out the three key places to insert these offers for maximum profits!


Essential Six More: Three Set It and Forget It Ways to Grow Your Business 24/7

There are only three ways to make more money with your business. And inside this lesson you'll discover exactly how to optimize each of these three methods into one amazingly profitable strategy.

You'll learn how to:

Get more customers by using three proven ways to increase your conversions across your sales funnel!

Get more customers who spend more per order with three easy ways to cross-sell related products!

Get more customers who spend more per order more often. You'll even get the 7 most effective places to insert backend offers!

In short, this lesson will teach you how to take small, easy steps to produce big profits!


Essential Seven Methods: The #1 Way to Simplify, Structure and Scale Your Business

What's the secret to making it easier for you to step through the process of setting up your dream business? It's this: you need to create time-saving, powerful systems for each part of the process. And that's exactly what you'll find out how to do in this lesson!

You'll discover:

* How to create a system that simplifies and streamlines a process to make light work of any task!

* How to create a system that lets you scale and grow your business!

* The five easy steps of figuring out the BEST way to do any task (even if you've never done it before)!

And more! Simply invest a little time upfront to create these systems, and you'll save a whole lot of time and money over the long run!

Essential Eight Milestones: How to Create a Weekly Routine That Works for You

No matter how much time you have in your schedule, you CAN start and grow your dream business. And one big key to consistent growth is to create a set of work schedules and stick with them. That's what this lesson is about.

Inside this lesson you'll discover:

* A simple three-step process for planning an effective schedule, no matter how much time you have to work!

* How to break down big tasks into small components so that you can complete them even when you only have 15-minute blocks of time here and there in your schedule!

* Plus, you'll get examples and ideas for structuring your own schedule – whether you can work 40 hours per week or seven, there are ideas in this lesson to fit your needs!

Don't let a lack of time hold you back – this lesson shows how even the busiest people can launch their dream business!

What's NOT Included In Businessentials?

We know you're excited. But before you order, there's one thing we want you to understand…

The purpose of this course is to get you educated in how to start and scale a business, and you get an easy-to-follow plan in place to do just that. But you do need to have a little initiative to learn a few things outside of this course. So…

Here's What We Won't Cover in This Course:

The legal aspects of your business. This includes topics such as business taxes, licensing, incorporating, following laws and regulations, intellectual property issues, etc. Please consult an attorney for these issues.

Funding your business. This includes venture capital, crowdfunding, starting on a shoestring budget and similar issues.

How to start businesses outside the realm of information-based businesses. (E.G. you won't find out how to start the next Facebook here, but you will learn how to set up a business selling information products.)

How to generate and convert traffic. You may get ideas of traffic strategies to pursue, but you won't get in-depth instructions on these methods.

The technical aspects of setting up your business. This includes tasks such as setting up your website, installing scripts such as WordPress, setting up your autoresponder, and so on.

It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Just Starting Out
Or Are Ready To Take Things To The Next Level

If your existing business isn't at the level you'd like it to be, or if you want to be sure that your new business is on the right track, then you're going to want to make sure that you have these eight business essentials smartly in place.

As you read about these eight business essentials, you probably noticed places where you could improve.  Maybe you realized that you'd like to take things to the next level and scale your business or that you want remove some of the clutter and make things easier and more profitable.  Maybe you just want to find a few shortcuts that make all the difference.  Businessentials will deliver!  You will get…

 A workable framework and plan for getting your business off the ground
as quickly as possible and then taking it to the next level as quickly as possible!

Businessentials is perfect for BEGINNERS who are just starting out and VETERANS who want to learn how to work less while getting better results.

Here's Where You're Going To Start Grinning From Ear To Ear!

Get Your Copy Of This Training For The
Ridiculously Low Price Of Just $9.97

Yep. That's right. You Can Download This 40-Page Curriculum In .PDF
In Just Minutes From Now For Less Than The Price Of A Large Pizza.

Now, we know what you're thinking:  why is this course less than ten bucks?  Good question.  We're glad you asked. The reason is simple.  We want to earn your future business.   Here's the deal…

We're rolling out an entire series of courses, templates, done-for-you content, ready-made webinars, lead magnets, licensed materials, coaching, and much more.  We want you to love Businessentials and find it such a great value (and we know you will) that you will become a repeat buyer.  Plus, we really do want to help as many people as we can to turn their "passion into profit" and their "profit into passion".  This makes it affordable for every budget and allows us to make a real difference in the lives of people around the world.  Mission accomplished!

Listen, we know that people do business with those they "know, like and trust".  We want to earn those three things from you, and we're willing to give you a great deal up front just to prove it.

Earn money doing what you love. Set your own hours. Work from anywhere in the world.

All of this and more is possible when you create your dream business. And you can get started today by purchasing the Businessentials training – do it now, because the sooner you get started, the sooner you'll start to see results.

If the big Add to Cart button isn't displayed above, just Click here to order.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this package and its potential.
Please remember that each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.

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