FROM: Sean Mize, and presented by Dennis Becker
Dear Fellow Marketer,
Are you struggling to get targeted visitors to your website?
Are you frustrated because you keep trying different traffic sources, but the visitors just aren’t buying from you?
Have you heard about content marketing, but let’s face it, it just sounds like too much work?
Maybe you’ve even written a few articles, posted a few forum comments, or uploaded a few youtube videos, but it took so long it just can’t be worth it?
If that’s you, I understand.
I remember when I first started over at, I was blazing a trail and I didn’t even know it. The first few months I was article marketing (a precursor to modern-day content marketing) was treacherous. It seems like just about every week, I was tempted to quit. It was just so hard. I didn’t know what to write, I didn’t know what prospects would respond to, and I didn’t know how I was going to monetize my writing.
Back then, there wasn’t much known about how to do content marketing so that it produced results, so I had to kind of blaze my own trail.
The first few months were rough.
The first month I wrote about 150 articles, generated maybe 150 subscribers and generated a whopping $125 in affiliate commissions!
That was less than $1 per article, and I knew I couldn’t live on that.
But I had done some intense research before starting on my content marketing project, so I labored on, the next month writing about another 150 articles, and generated another 150-200 or so more subscribers. I was writing them daily, and recommending affiliate products, and made $250 my second month, again, in affiliate sales.
Although I was still working for less than minimum wage, it was exciting because I did about the same amount of work in month 2, but made double the revenue!
Then the third month, I stumbled on an idea: instead of writing 150 articles, why not write an ebook, and break the ebook into articles? That way I could double up on my time. So that’s what I did, I wrote my first ebook, which included many of the about 150 articles I submitted that month, and the cool thing was I generated $900 my third month online, and most of it from the sales of my ebook. This was REALLY Exciting to me, because I realized the power of the relationship I had with my subscribers – they were willing to invest more with me, a lowly self-starter with a lousy sales page, than they were with the big-name affiliate I was promoting for.
And my revenue had tripled AGAIN, and even though I was still making probably less than minimum wage still, I could see that it was growing, and I was building a list of clients along the way.
So I gave it another go the 4th month, and wrote a 2nd ebook, and generated $1600 in sales! Talk about ecstatic! I really felt like I was onto something! And the real key for me was that I was generating all of this simply by generating traffic that was coming from articles I wrote.
My 5th month I generated $3840 in sales, and my 6th month, I generated $5540 in sales, and I continued to add about $1000 a month in sales until my 13th month online I generated about $15,347 dollars in online revenue – and almost all of it originated with content marketing traffic!
In the process, I became one of the the top authors at ezinearticles:
In the process of doing that, of writing over 1500 articles personally, and hiring writers to write an additional 24,000 articles for my business, I generated an estimated 120,000 subscribers, and many, many loyal clients.
It also set me on a journey of asking, how much more content is there on the web that can be used for driving traffic to my websites?
And I have discovered a wide range of places where content can be disseminated and used for generating traffic to your website.
I have personally used:
to generate content marketing traffic, and in the process I have discovered very simple
ways to generate the content, simple ways to get the content on the web and read or watched
by the most number of people, and especially how to get content readers online to
take action and come to my website and become a subscriber.
I have generated over 3 million visits over at ezinearticles:
I get hundreds of subscribers from forums regularly, I use youtube as a major relationship-building device, I use google + and facebook strategically to get google rankings, and I even have
hundreds of pages on my own collection of content-marketing websites that drive new
visitors to my money sites (yes, I use and teach a process of using multiple websites to
drive massive traffic from the search engines, and aid you in your content marketing).
Now, I want to be clear, I don’t say all of that to brag.
Although everytime I write it all out, I feel good about the impact I’ve made on the web.
And I thank God for giving me the insight and the strength to pull it all off.
And in fact, right now, I am currently launching the most advanced, deepest level
content marketing campaign in my own business – with some little-used brand new
tweaks that I am planning that I believe will revolutionize the way content marketing
is done online.
But enough about me. I simply shared all of that to prove to you that I know how to get
visitors from content online.
And I can boldly tell you this:
If YOU want to drive massive traffic with content marketing like I do, you can.
Because I have taken the time to painstakingly create a complete training program that teaches
you exactly what to do and how to do it to generate massive content online, connect it in the
right way so that you maximize the impact you have online, and drive massive numbers of highly-
targeted visitors to your website.
And most of the techniques I teach are unique to me – that’s right, no one else is doing things
with content marketing just like I am.
I have literally recently developed some brand new cutting edge methods that are
allowing my highest level clients to get amazing results!
And in my brand new Content Marketing Training Program, I am going to be teaching
you many things that I have never taught outside my highest level coaching program
access, in addition to some of the simplest methods on earth for creating content
fast and getting it online.
Here’s a partial list of what you’ll discover in my brand new Content Marketing Training Program
–> How to create high-level content that positions YOU as the go-to leader in your niche
–> The 5 components of content that are critical for fully maximizing your content presence online
–> How to write one piece of content and have it transformed effortlessly to you into many many pieces of content
–> My personal multi-site content marketing strategic plan
–> A detailed look into my own genesis of my most recent content marketing iteration, along with detailed insights into what I am doing NOW before anyone else is doing it (this is worth the price of the training)
–> My brand new method for multi-purposing content that is working like crazy with real-live clients who are beta-testing it for me
–> How to write articles in 10 minutes flat
–> How to write a list of 100 blog post topics in one sitting
–> How to quickly create 10 (that’s right: TEN) youtube videos per day for MASSIVE traffic
–> How to use forums to get massive amounts of targeted traffic
–> Discover the secret to dominating the web for your unique keywords
–> Learn how to use keyword phrase targeting instead of keywords to get the highest results with google
–> How to intertwine your content properties for the most credibility and the most traffic fast
In short, this is your complete Content Marketing Training Program and it’s red-hot training
prepared especially for TODAY’S Content Marketing environment, going into 2014 –
Are you excited and ready to get this training?
If so, excellent!
Perhaps you are asking, what’s the cost?
Now, here’s the thing, what I am teaching in this training program I could have reserved for a high level $997 training program like I have done with some of my other programs.
And it would be worth every penny.
Again, I don’t say that to brag, but these new techniques that I am using, many of them are brand new with me.
That’s means that if you start using them in YOUR NICHE TODAY, you’ll be ahead of the curve.
This means that you can start doing these things in your niche BEFORE your competition does it, and you probably know that when it comes to driving traffic, the early bird really gets the worm.
Now, like I said, I believe I could price this at $997 and limit who gets access, and this program is worth every penny.
But right now I’m pricing this for $97 $37 rather than $997 to make this something that everyone can afford and get access to. I simply want to reward my clients and subscribers who have been faithfully following me for years.
And by the way, this training is 100% guaranteed – if for any reason, at any time, you decide its’ not for you, just shoot me an email, let me know you want your money back, and I’ll give you a fast refund, no questions asked. So you have nothing to lose, and tons of traffic to gain, go ahead and get my Content Marketing Training Program now while it’s at it’s lowest price: