How to Plan & Create Your Client Getting Webinar Funnel to Promote with Facebook Ads

Need a new way to bring in perfect-for-you clients–without spending hours a day on social media or nagging colleagues for referrals? Keep reading…

Attract More Clients, Faster, with a Winning Facebook Webinar Funnel

Attention all coaches, course creators and other creative, services-based entrepreneurs:

Ever wanted to run a webinar, but got tripped up by all the “tech stuff”?

Or maybe put together a webinar once or twice, but felt super embarrassed when only one or two people showed up live? (Insert ALL the cringe faces.)

Or maybe you’ve avoided trying webinars altogether–despite watching other people in your industry totally rock them out–because it felt like way too many moving parts?

If so, you’re just where you’re meant to be.

If you have a digital course, coaching service or mastermind program you’re looking to sell to more people so you can serve at the level you’ve always dreamt about…this is for you.

Creating a Webinar Funnel that Actually Works Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard!

Here’s the deal: I get that creating a webinar funnel–especially one that relies on Facebook ads– can feel intimidating.

How do you choose the right topic?

How can you make sure people sign up? What do you say in your ads? Who do you even advertise to?

How do make sure people who sign up actually show up–and soak up the value you’re providing?

And–if and when they do show up–how can you make sure they actually pick up their credit cards to plunk down cash on whatever is it you’re selling?

It’s exhausting just to think about.

The questions seem endless. (And so do the variety of answers, as a quick Google search on the subject will show.)

And not to make matters worse…

…but even if you’ve run a webinar or ten in your time, webinar viewers today are 10x savvier than webinar viewers in years past.

They know your Facebook ad leads to a landing page that leads to a webinar that includes a sales pitch.

Which means you can’t just run “any old” webinar to “any old” audience.

But there IS a silver lining.

Because if you CAN learn exactly how to attract the right people to a value-packed webinar that’s actually worth their while, your attendees won’t mind that you’re “pitching” them–in fact, most of them will be chomping at the bit to find out how to work with you & give you their money!

But that’s not all: high-quality webinar funnel doesn’t just help you sell more of your packages & services now, but it’ll also help you grow your list and audience so you essentially create a pipeline of potential clients.

(Not to mention, you get to share your expertise with & serve more people.)

It’s a win-win-win!

You’ve just got to know exactly how to do it–and do it right.

Because honestly, you don’t want to waste money on ads to send people to a webinar or a funnel that doesn’t work or doesn’t have all the right parts in place. And you definitely don’t want to create a webinar or ad that doesn’t attract the right people to begin with!

That’s why I’m offering a unique, step-by-step training designed to show you how exactly how to get your first Facebook-ad-fueled webinar up, running & bringing in revenue by attracting the right clients–fast.


How to Plan & Create Your Client Getting Webinar Funnel to Promote with Facebook Ads

When you purchase, you’ll receive a training and workbook walking you through exactly how to create your first or next webinar.

Just imagine…

  • Flipping on the Facebook ad campaign for your webinar anytime you need a “boost” in your list (or client roster!)
  • Hundreds of excited potential clients showing up every time you run your webinar (and hanging on your every word!)
  • Making sales from your webinar funnel as you sleep or take time off or just do you and live life!

Sound good? Here’s how we make it happen:

Step 1: Plan to Profit: Choose a Compelling Webinar Topic, Title & Call to Action

In this step, you’ll learn how to plan your entire webinar funnel and nail down the basics–from title to topic.

You’ll learn…

  • The essentials elements of a webinar funnel that’s practically guaranteed to magnetize clients
  • How to choose a ridiculously titillating webinar topic
  • The secrets to catchy webinar titles (you do NOT want to mess this up!)

Step 2: The Keys to Getting The Right People Signing Up–and Showing Up Live!

Next up? We’ll talk all the things you need to set up to get your people to actually show up for your webinar.

You’ll learn…

  • Why you can’t just slap up a registration page if you want to bring in the right people–and how to create one that’s highly attractive & leads to loads of sign-ups
  • The make-or-break page in every webinar funnel that most coaches COMPLETELY skip (don’t be one of them!)
  • How to cultivate a “can’t-miss-it!” feeling in your registrants before your webinar & ensure more people show up in real time on webinar day

Step 3: The Secrets to Eye-Catching, Mind-Blowing, Finger-Clicking Facebook Ads 

Now that you have your webinar and landing page on lock, it’s time to think about the actual Facebook ad you need to create to promote your webinar.

You’ll learn…

  • The right way to write a powerful & persuasive Facebook ad that effortlessly stands out from competitors
  • Why images and video-based ads work so well–and exactly what visuals to include in your ad to get more sign-ups
  • How to create ads so irresistible & compelling your ideal clients will think you’re a mind reader!

Step 4: Set the Right Campaign Audience & Budget–and Watch Your Webinar Registration Numbers Rise!

Budgets, audiences and campaigns–oh my! In step 4, we’ll dive deep into the nitty gritty of Facebook ad campaigns.

You’ll learn…

  • How to choose the right audiences for your campaign so you can decrease your ad spend & increase your attendees–at the same time!
  • The 3 types of ads you NEED to be running if you want to attract people ready to say YES now
  • The most important audience in any campaign–and a step-by-step look at exactly how to compel them to hand over their email addresses like no big deal

Step 5: Craft Crazy-Good Webinar Content & Finish with a Compelling CTA for the Highest ROI

If you want to make sales from your webinar funnel, you have to provide major value to the people you’re trying to serve. In step 5, we’ll go on a deep dive into how to do just that.

You’ll learn…

  • How to use your webinar sell now and build rock-solid relationships for the future
  • Exactly what content to include in your webinar, in what order, to double or even triple your sales!
  • How long your webinar should be, what your slides should look like & how to handle the dreaded “sales pitch”–with killer, client-attracting confidence!

Step 6: Send Follow-Up Emails that Get New Clients Flowing In

In our final step, you’ll learn how to seal the deal post-webinar–because THIS is where SO MUCH of the magic happens.

You’ll learn…

  • Exactly when to email your attendees–and what to say to get them “hooked” on your offer (and your brand!)
  • The 3 emails every smart marketer sends post-webinar to pump up their sales percentages
  • How to turn people who didn’t even show up to your webinar into loyal, long-term clients–yes, it’s possible!

[buy button]

Now it’s your turn to make a choice, friend.

There are really only two possible outcomes from here.

Outcome one: You keep doing what you’ve always done. You keep “thinking about” running webinars, but never actually putting one out there. (Or you keep winging it, hating the results and feeling that serious twinge of embarrassment when you see only two people have actually logged on to watch your webinar–and even less actually press buy. Cringe.)

Or there’s outcome two: You snap up this easy-to-follow, expertly-crafted training that will teach you everything you need to know to ensure you run a webinar that people can’t wait to watch that ends with an offer they (basically) can’t refuse.

(Real talk: I have no doubt that if you put what I teach in this training into play right away, your next webinar will be FULL of people just like that.)

So, which one will it be?

Sign up today & get instant access.

Have a spectacular day!

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. This training is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to build a better, more satisfying business, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund.