If you think that getting boatloads of visitors is the hard part…

“Who else wants to never again have to worry about getting virtually unlimited traffic to their pages and offers, on demand?”

Dear Internet marketer,

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

You build a beautiful squeeze page giving away a great free report…

Or you create a product that’s the solution to a problem faced by half the world…

And you’re not asking for miracles, you just want to get some payback for all the time you spent, all your hard work, all your knowledge…

What do you get?


While you watch some young punk with the ugliest page in the world, a product not half as awesome, light up the skies with sales.

Where’s the justice?

Well… did you ever hear the phrase…

“If you build it, they will come”.

Great movie, I’ve watched it several times, and at the end, when they’re rolling the credits, they say something like “any resemblance to any person or web site, living or dead or begging for visitors, is purely coincidental”.

So now what?

Sure, you’re an Internet marketer, you can post your product as a Warrior Special Offer and sell it for peanuts, while giving away 100% commissions in order to build an email list, or 50% commissions to make a few hundred dollars, but how long does that last?

What if you want to continue to build your business?

Do you need to keep pumping out product after product, week after week, like others do?

Is that what you want, grasshopper?

Do you want to work 18 hours a day so that you too can make money while you sleep?

I don’t want to keep you long here, because I have an offer for you that you’ll either want, or you won’t want.

You could recognize it as the answer to your prayers, or you could click away and keep doing what you’ve always been doing.

I know what you want, it’s what we all want…

Whether we have a brick and mortar store (like I used to have) or whether we have a product for sale online (like I have here, for example) or whether we want to just build a list of email subscribers so that we can trade the value that’s in our heads for possible sales sometime in the future.

You, me, we, they… all want TRAFFIC

Actually, making money online is easy, but the easy things aren’t always simple.

You need a quality product… it could be yours or it could be someone else’s that you’re promoting as an affiliate.

You need an offer than converts well… it could even be a free offer to build your list, or it could be something for sale.

You need to get that offer in front of people that have a need for that offer.

If you do all that, it’s game over, you win.

How many of those three do you have now?

1. Product

2. Offer that converts

3. Traffic

And which of those three do you think is the most difficult to obtain?

Before you answer that, let’s assume that getting the product is easy… Even a beginner can start by finding a product somewhere, in any niche…. for example on Amazon, on eBay, on Clickbank.

Or if you’re on other email lists in your niche, you get offers from those people all day long, and you can promote those same offers, right?

So finding a product is easy, and once you’re more experienced you can create your own.

Step 1… check!

Next, you need an offer that converts well.  Well, that product that you’re selling, is it someone else’s?  If it is, you can’t do much about a crappy sales page other than move on to another offer, and there’s plenty of them.  Agreed?

And if it’s your product, you can always hire a copywriter to improve the copy.  You can test the page to see if changing a headline helps or hinders, and make other tweaks to the offer and the page.

Test, tweak, test, tweak, test, tweak, until conversions are through the roof.

So that’s not a huge problem, is it?

Step two… check!

So we’re down to traffic.

If you guessed that of the three essentials, traffic would be the most difficult and challenging, well, guess what?…


You see, there’s never a shortage of traffic.  There are 100’s of millions of people online just about anytime day or night.

There are over a billion people active just on Facebook.  A billion with a big bad “B”, and almost as many on Twitter.

How many use Google or Bing or CNN or Yahoo or any of the other 1000’s of popular sites?

People are there.

The truth is (and the good news is…), if you focus yourself on getting in front of those people, it’s not that difficult, but you have to change your thinking just a little.

Let me ask you…

Are you willing to think a little bit outside the box?

Or are you thinking that the only way to get visitors to your page is to either:

  • write articles and submit them to article directories (yep, there’s lots of traffic there, but also lots of competing articles, so how much gets to each individual article, a.k.a. yours?)
  • play tricks that get your pages on top of Google results, spending hours of time (and hoping that the next algorithm change doesn’t wipe you out like it has so many others int he past)
  • spend half your day acquiring followers on Twitter and Facebook hoping they’ll read your posts and follow your links

Is that all you’ve got up your sleeve?

You need more to get more!

I’ve acquired a license to sell a course created by a 7-figure marketer (Eric Louviere). Let me tell you a little about Eric.

Eric started out working a regular job, like I did and maybe you did or are.

He lusted after a way to just make $1000 to $2000 a month, that’s all he wanted at first.  He saw teenage kids doing better, even buying fancy sports cars when they were barely old enough to drive, and he wanted that power.

Eric spent years reading, watching, asking, getting coached, and finally he found a guy that said the magic words to him that finally clicked…

The expert told Eric that most people don’t make money because they don’t get traffic, and the reason they don’t get traffic is they never fully focus on it.

So the magic words to Eric were “put all your focus into driving tons of traffic”.

Within just a few months after heeding that advice Eric went from making a couple thousand dollars a month to a 6-figure annual income pace.

The following month he cleared $30,000 and decided to quit his day job.  About a year later he hit the million dollar a year mark and hasn’t looked back.

All from focusing on traffic.

Now, maybe you don’t want to work as hard as Eric, so I can’t guarantee the same results, but the bottom line is…

The traffic is out there waiting for you!

Do you want it?

There are many types of traffic.

You can spend your life writing dozens or hundreds or thousands of articles to get a small trickle of visitors.

Or you can spend time and money on SEO strategies and buying backlinks and all that… maybe to see it all disappear at the flick of a switch at Google.

Or you can post in Facebook and Twitter, or write blog posts, or guest post on other people’s blogs. You can shoot videos and put them on YouTube.  You can write press releases.

And those ideas will get you some traffic, sometimes a lot of traffic, sometimes not so much.

There’s a lot more traffic beyond the horizon

Or you can build a business, and instead of relying on a few drips of traffic a day, hook into the fire hydrants that are waiting for you.

Not all traffic is free.  Some is, but most isn’t.  It’s time to discuss the best kind of traffic:

Traffic On Demand

Inside Eric’s course (6 videos, accompanied by matching transcripts) you’ll find out what kinds of traffic he uses, where he gets it, which works, which doesn’t.

He has two favorite sources, but he talks about more.

Traffic On Demand will open your eyes, and introduce you to the workings of the fire hydrant.

Although paid traffic is Eric’s 2nd favorite source, do you need to pay for traffic?  No, not really, but I’m suggesting that you learn why he loves it so much.

Here’s why:

  • you do have a life, right? Why would you want to work 20, 40, 80 hours to get a web page ranked for a single keyword phrase, even before you know if your sales copy will turn visitors into buyers?
  • after getting your page ready, do you really want to wait and watch and hope? Wouldn’t you rather start making money?  Like… I don’t know… how about now?
  • and if the page does convert, and you are able to get some free traffic and make some sales, how do you scale up that traffic so that you can make more sales?  Hint…. you can’t, you’re at someone else’s mercy.

I used to pay for traffic, and I absolutely crushed it, back in 2005 and 2006.  Now I don’t, I use other forms (mainly Eric’s favorite source), but back then I was desperate, I was in a hurry, I had a lot of debt that I needed to erase, and I invested in traffic for one reason and one reason alone:

I figured out that for every click that I got to my page that I would make on average 20 cents from either AdSense or an affiliate sale.

So with that knowledge I knew that if I paid anywhere less than like 15 cents a click, I would be making a good profit, and knowing that I was willing to buy as many clicks as I could find.

Would you do this?

I like to ask people that are wary of paying for traffic this question.

If your bank offered to give you a $10 bill for every $5 you turned in, how many would you turn in?

My answer… as many as I can get my hands on.

That’s what “scaling” is all about.

So here’s the deal…

What’s the best type of traffic?

You can pay for your traffic and get it coming today… on demand.

Do you want to learn how to get all the traffic you could ever use?  Do you want to hook into it this week?  Are you willing to focus on something that could change your life?

Then you’ll want to listen to Eric as he tells what made him into a million dollar marketer… traffic.

You can continue bouncing around all over the place, chasing whatever kind of scheme catches your eye… or you can focus on traffic and finally start making big money online… quickly.

Traffic On Demand

This is your wake up call.  Right now there’s a fork in the road…

To the left is business as usual, the same as before, what everybody else who’s struggling is doing.

To the right is an abundance of traffic and income, a fresh approach.

With focus, you can achieve your goals.

Traffic On Demand is a 6-video course from Eric Louviere, the 7-figure marketer.  He shares his experience, his methods, his sources, his reasons, and the mindset necessary to get all the traffic you could ever dream of.

I also had the videos transcribed, so that you can take notes, highlight, flip back and forth, whatever you want to do, however many times you desire.  You get those as well.

If you want it all, click the big button below and let’s get started today.

Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy