IMPORTANT: For ALL business owners…

“30 Super-Simple Daily Success ‘Nuggets’ Turn Your Business Upside Down, Making It Easier For You To Be Happier, Wealthier, And Living A Life Of Your Own Design”

Tiny Daily Tweaks Equal Bigger Profits, More Sales, And An Easier Life All The Way Around

Dear Friend,

You’re sick and tired in more than one way.

You’re working hard but you feel like you lack focus. You reach the end of the day and you wonder what in the world you got done that day. It’s not fair and it’s not right.

A hard-working business owner like yourself deserves to succeed, right?


You’re still swimming against the current, wondering if things are really ever going to change for you…

It’s hard to watch other, newer people far surpass the level of success you’ve reached. What do they have that you don’t have? Why is it so much easier for them?

Maybe they were just born with the ability to focus. Maybe they lucked out and chose the right path right off the bat.

Maybe they’re just better than you.

But, you don’t really believe that, right?

Deep Down You Know Things Are Going To Change… Starting With This

If you really thought that every successful person was just naturally so much better, smarter, and luckier than you… then you wouldn’t be dreaming the awesome dreams you have.

And you have some awesome, awesome dreams that you deserve to have come true.

I think that’s the answer right there. Deep down, you know you’re ready and able to kick some butt. You know that it’s your time to shine.

You know that the hard work you’re doing right now is going to pay off, if only you could figure out the rest of the pieces to the puzzle.

If you don’t have a clear path right now, you feel confident that you’ll soon find the answers you’re looking for.

That’s right– that’s the stuff you know deep down. It might be sad to realize, but you might spend most of your time doubting yourself and second-guessing yourself in spite of your big and very important dreams.

You Dream, Flip-Flop, And Wonder…

Is it really a good idea for you to start your own business?

Is it really a good idea to keep pushing and keep frustrating your family and yourself if you haven’t had a breakthrough yet?

You just can’t let it go. You can’t let it go because this is what you’re meant to be doing.

Yes, You Are Meant To Be Successful In Business

Of course it’s worth it!

You’re not meant to be part of the rat race, figuring things out and profiting for other people.

You’re supposed to be profiting for yourself and living a life of your own design.

And that’s the truth.

How do I know that?

I know that because you and I are exactly alike, and here’s why…

The rest of the world might not understand us all the time, but we’re kindred spirits. You don’t want to work for “the man.” You don’t want anyone telling you what you can and can’t do and what you can earn.

You’re meant to find success for yourself and you will find success for yourself.

So, what’s holding you back?

It’s that internal voice, for sure.

But it’s also your daily habits.

Your Current Daily Habits Are Unprofitable… It Could Be So Much Easier To Profit, if Only…

You wish you knew what to do to profit more every day.

Wouldn’t it be great to work less and earn more? To feel like you have all your ducks in a row, happily skipping all the way to the bank?

That’s not a dream for some people… that’s their reality. There are those super-successful people that make you drool when you realize just how successful they are?

The “secret” is that the uber-successful have powerful daily success habits

These success habits are the #1 reason they’re so profitable.

Self-made millionaires are millionaires because they have the right daily habits.

I repeat…

Self-made millionaires are millionaires because they have the right daily habits.

And it’s not just the very experienced who this happens to.

Here’s how newbies come out of nowhere to become huge success stories…

They’re able to do that because they develop positive success habits right away.

The only reason you haven’t reached the level of success you want to reach yet is because your habits have lead you astray so far.

It’s a bad habit to tell yourself “you can’t do it” and “you can’t succeed” all the time. I don’t even like writing those things in this sales letter because they’re so terrible and negative and totally non-productive.

Let’s agree to eliminate these things from our collective vocabulary, okay?

It’s a bad habit to procrastinate and to work without a plan in the first place.

It’s a bad habit to chase business model after business model without following through with anything.

If you haven’t become successful yet or you haven’t reached the level of success you want to reach, the answer might be this simple: It’s because the right habits aren’t there.

Those who are successful have daily success habits that lead to higher daily profits.

The Profitable habits I’m talking about are actually super simple to implement…

You just have to understand how habits work so they submit to your will…

For example, one great business habit is to spend at least 30 minutes every day writing a piece of content for your business and/or doing something to build your list.

You have 30 minutes, right? You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think you do– you do.

Every day, without thinking, you should do something that builds your list.

And that means planning ahead. What will you do to help build your list tomorrow? Plan ahead and just do it because that’s what you do every day.

It’s a seemingly small thing, but it really adds up. That daily habit of 30 minutes a day is around 15 hours a month. That’s 180 hours a year. That’s over 7 full 24-hour days over the course of the year of focusing on building your list.

How much time do you spend building your list right now?

If you’re like many people, then it’s probably “0” minutes a day. It’s 0 minutes a day even though list building is something every business owner, online or offline, should be doing… it’s a very important “habit” to get into.

If you put that kind of focus into building your list over the course of the year, can you imagine how big it can grow? Can you imagine how many more customers you’ll have and how many more sales you can make, or your own product(s) or of a product you promote as an affiliate?

And it all starts with just 30 minutes a day… and list building is just the tip of the iceberg.

I’m Going To Give You 30 Days Worth Of Daily Success Habits To Make Simple, Yet Huge, Profitable Changes In Your Business

(This Is What “Success Story People” Do To Become Successful…)

BetterHabitsBiggerProfits_coverLet’s get back to list building because I love that example.

What if you were to develop the habit of working on it for 60 minutes a day? That would be incredible.

Right now you don’t work on building your list often enough simply because it’s not a daily habit of yours.

There are many things that are falling by the wayside simply because you haven’t made them a habit.

If you work on content/products, traffic, list building, and relationship-building every day, even for just 30 minutes each, then you’ll very quickly have an extremely solid and profitable business.

That means having a clear plan and focusing. It means having goals and knowing which targets you want to hit.

Spend a little bit of time every day working on the important things and those “little” things will quickly add up to HUGE profits

This is what successful people do.

Listen– if you have poor work habits (these habits are making you poor!), you’re not alone. In fact, this is one of the most common things I come across. I work with business owners from all over the world and time and time again I hear that people are stuck standing still because of unprofitable habits.

And usually they aren’t even aware of the fact that those habits are costing them money… sometimes they aren’t even aware that they have these habits until they look closely.

They’re hopping from project to project, not finishing anything, and not profiting as much as they want to (if at all!).

You deserve success!

I want you to ingrain that in your mind.

If you make some simple tweaks and add more profitable daily habits…

I promise that you can become more successful.

Many people ask me how I was able to reach the level of success I have.

I say over and over again that it’s been a matter of focusing on my projects, having clear goals and a solid Reason Why for everything I do, not running from my mistakes, and rinsing and repeating my successes.

My work gets done every day. I focus on what I need to focus on. No, I’m not perfect– there are things I’m working on. But overall,

I’ve spent a lot of time studying successful people and the habits that make them tick- I want to share those things with you…

I’ve adopted these important habits into my own life and business.

I’m consistent, prolific, and I’m there right in the middle of customer conversations… every day. Time and time again people mention that my business runs like clockwork, almost like they’re in awe. It wasn’t always so, and it’s not because I’m super-human… it’s that I make important things habits.

My Facebook group, The IM Inside Track, knows to expect a post from me every morning, around 6 a.m. my time.

My Earn 1K A Day member’s club knows when they’ll be getting my Friday email, right on schedule.

The IM Inside Track membership site gets a new post delivered to them every business day at a consistent time.

People know that they can expect me to have my finger on the pulse of what they want and need— it’s one of the reasons I have so many products on the market and have the partner and customer relationships I have.

I try new things all the time… but the important thing is that I follow through on my projects.

I also…and this is important… study the people I look up to.

I’ve Studied The Profit Habits Of The Most Successful People In The World

I’ve reached a level of success I’m extremely happy with. I won’t pretend that I’m anywhere near the level of success I want to be in the future. But I have a kind of financial freedom most people dream of having. I have things like a beach condo vacation home I can drive to whenever I want. It wasn’t that long ago that I had multiple six figures of debt…

Having a beach condo? Hahaha. That seemed impossible back then

But now it’s possible and it’s a reality, as is the financial freedom of myself and my family.

It’s possible because I developed positive, profitable daily work habits and I studied already-successful people like crazy.

I certainly don’t know everything- far from it, but I know enough to realize that there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

There are certain extremely profitable work habits that are fairly easy to implement but have dramatically improved my bottom line.

I’m a fanatic for success.

I’m also a fanatic for helping you achieve your dreams. I don’t want to rest until I’ve helped as many people as I possibly can.

That means you.

I want you to earn more and build a business you’re proud of

I want to hand you the absolute best and most profitable daily success habits you can implement right away to almost instantly transform your business and earn more

I know you’re ready for that– I certainly wish someone had handed these habits over to me all those years ago.

“Habit change” isn’t as sexy as a product that promises to help you earn millions with the push of a button. But we all know that stuff is baloney.

This is what’s real.

Every day, you’ll profit more

You’ll do things that boost your business and add up in HUGE ways.

The small things add up. The biggest changes will come over time as these success habits become ingrained in who you are as a business person. But the wonderful thing is that I can promise…

you’ll feel instantly invigorated as you eagerly devour the book and success sheets I’ve created for you

This is what you need, whether you’re brand new to business or you’ve been floundering for years. Heck, you’ll get a lot of value even if you already consider yourself to be successful.

We all have poor habits we need to change.

There are always better, more profitable habits to develop.

We all need a boost in mindset sometimes.

Consider this your super-charge

I’m so excited to share this with you because I’ve poured my heart and soul into it and I know it’s going to help you in ways big and small.

It’s going to help you earn more now and for the rest of your life

This isn’t a “business opportunity” … this is how you’re going to take charge of your life, develop better, more profitable daily business habits, and really crush it in life and business.

There are so many important habits you can develop for success– I’m giving you the keys to the kingdom here…

You’ll discover:

  • How to have more mental and physical energy with enthusiasm that will put a smile on your face and profits in your pocket…
  • One thing you must do if you want to guarantee you become successful, much more quickly…
  • What you can do every single day to profit on autopilot (leaving more time for fun in your life)
  • What you can do to not just think, but to know, that your success is inevitable
  • Exactly where you should put your energy to profit hand over fist (and what’s dragging you down…)

You’ll also learn more about the basics of mindset and habit (don’t worry– this isn’t the “boring” part, this is the PROFIT part)

You’ll discover:

  • What thinking of yourself as a little kid has to do with how much money you’re earning today
  • What to do about where you work to instantly transform your mindset
  • Why the only hard part is getting started… your business will be easy-breezy in no time
  • Exactly how to “layer” habits and success to become the person you want to be and the high-earning businessperson you want to be

You’ll know where to find the clues to success… that successful people are happy to hand you

You’ll discover:

  • Exactly what successful people do every day to make their success inevitable and how you can do the same
  • How to “spy” on success so you can have a 30-day total turnaround…
  • Why you don’t have to reinvent the wheel… the clues to success will lead you to where you need to go
  • What to do to ensure successful business owners, customers, clients, readers and everyone else in your niche come to you, buy from you, and that money is attracted to you
  • How to eliminate time-sucking, success-crushing ‘vampires’ from your life… you’ll feel so much lighter and profit more!

You’ll have clarity in your business with this 30-day profitable habit success plan

You’ll discover:

  • Exactly how you can lead yourself to earning 2x or even 3x more
  • How to get more buy buttons, products, and sales coming in left and right
  • How to turn must-have business strategies into daily habits that take next to no time but add up to something huge– grow your list, sell more, and get a ton of traffic and customers
  • How to know exactly what will be profitable even before you do the work (and how to make sure you’re working smarter, not harder)
  • Exactly how to use your personality, talents, and the psychology of sales to profit so much more
  • How to produce prolifically and earn more from everything you do
  • Exactly what you can do to profit more from your traffic, products, clients, customers, partners, and more

And that’s not all…

You’re getting

  • The top 10 daily success habits that can help any business owner earn more
  • The top 10 daily habits that are killing your profits

This is perfect for those who are new to business.

Daily habits to build a business from scratch in just 30 days…

  • You’re getting a 30-day schedule to plan and build a real, profitable IM business by building positive, profitable work habits one day at a time

Daily habits to take your existing business to the next level…

  • How to boost your business, right away
  • You’re getting a 30 day plan to profit more from your established business every single day

Packed Full Of Daily Success Habits… Whether You’re New Or Experienced, Work Online Or Offline– It’s Time To Profit More

Here’s what you’re getting:

  • The main “Better Habits, Bigger Profits” book
  • 30-Day Get Started Plan For Beginners
  • 30-Day Profitable Habit Booster For Business Owners
  • Daily Habit Change Planner

This Is Worth A Fortune, But I Won’t Charge You A Fortune…

One of the most important goals in my life is to help people– business owners like you, specifically.

Sometimes I struggle, though, because the level and quality of information I deliver is so high. Most consultants in my position package their information up in a fancy bow and charge hundreds or thousands of dollars for it.

Let’s get one thing straight– the information in this book and in the included worksheets can change your life and business. If you read and implement, I’m confident you can profit more.

The lifetime value of this information is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years— as well as the possibility of a near-instant boost in mindset and profits. I could certainly charge somewhere near what some of my colleagues charge.

For now, though, I want to get this into as many hands as possible. I know this can help you– so I’ve lowered all barriers to entry.

For a limited time, you can grab your copy for the introductory discounted price below.

I can’t promise that this deal will last long– so act now.

Comes With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Listen: I don’t care if it’s one hour from now, or 3 weeks from now – if you aren’t happy, I’m not happy.

Purchase right now. Try it out. If you like it, great! We exchanged a small amount of money for a large amount of value. Awesome!

If it’s not for you, don’t even give me a reason why you want your money back.

Just ask for it – and it will be returned promptly and quietly to you. Plus, we can still be friends.

You Risk Nothing & Gain Everything!

I’m so excited for you to get your hands on this. I know it’s going to make a difference for you. The principles I’ve shared throughout have made a dramatic difference in my life… now it’s time for these same principles to make a difference in your life.

It’s time for better, more profitable habits– onward to your future.

I’d love to hear how this information helps you, so drop me a line after you read it.

Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker

P.S. Your purchase is fully guaranteed. If you’re not happy for any reason, just let me know and I’ll refund your purchase, no questions asked. I can make that guarantee because I’m confident you’ll be thrilled and that this will help you develop better, more profitable habits.

P.P.S. Remember– I could be charging a lot more for this information with the consulting and coaching I do. But I know you’re ready to take this step. I know you’re ready to get this information in your hands. Download your copy, today— you’ll be thrilled you did. It’s motivate you to better profits…