Discover these seven little-known – but highly effective – resources & techniques that will put you and your internet businesses miles ahead of your competition – starting today…
Dear Friend,
Let’s face it. The internet is changing. Rapidly.
And if you’ve had a nagging feeling that your business is suffering because you’re using out-of-date methods that are no longer effective, you’ve come across this page at just the right time. Here’s why…
The fact is, if you’re not constantly on the pulse of “what’s working now” with internet marketing, your business and your income WILL get left behind…FAST.
I hope not.
That’s why I wanted to tell you about a recent series of videos I found where a friend reveals the latest tips, tricks, and techniques that are working – as we speak – to:
Push your search engine rankings WAY up
Send waves of ultra-targeted traffic to your sites
Increase your conversions… and profits… to a BIG degree.
You see, making money online is all about 2 things – traffic and conversions.
If you can master those two, you’re golden.
And imagine if not only you know them — but you get the latest tips before your competition does?
The thing is, it takes a LOT to stay on top of everything.
The internet’s changing about a mile a minute, and in order to be able to successfully do anything online you absolutely MUST leverage other people.
Trying to stay on top of all the trends – while at the same time running your business – would be absolutely impossible.
And even if you’re new to internet marketing and don’t yet have a business – how could you possibly learn everything there is to know if you had to spend so much time keeping on track of the constantly-changing trends… on top of all the information out there already?
Oy oy oy.
It’s absolutely crucial to have a finger on the pulse of internet marketing without doing all the “grunt work” yourself.
This video series my friend created will do exactly that for you.
Here are just a few of the highlights you’ll come across in the ‘7 Secrets Seminar’ series. This is the totally up to date 2010 edition.
This video goes over:
How to get all the content you could ever want for your press releases, articles, books, info-products, and anything else you need
Discover a ‘secret-sauce’ source where tens of thousands of experts are hanging out… bursting at the seams to share their knowledge
How to get literally dozens of responses from REAL EXPERTS within hours. Best of all, they nearly BEG you to use THEIR expertise for YOUR content. Think about it: even though you’re getting a lot of content, they’re aching for more exposure.
This video explains a lot of GREAT information on backlinks:
How to re-use your own articles and even OTHER PEOPLE’S content to LEGALLY and ETHICALLY generate a near endless stock of targeted, high-authority backlinks to YOUR sites
The “out of the box” way to manipulate this technique for big profits
Get results in just minutes after implementing this
To be honest, this method might get saturated eventually. Right now many people don’t know the “special” way to do it though, and you can be among the first to take advantage. Everything is revealed step-by-step in the video.
Music can be really important when you’re making videos. A snazzy song in the background will help your audience not only visually SEE what you want them to see… but the music gets their other senses involved too. This video will show you some really cool music tips:
Never again pay to license music
Boatloads of songs for you to choose from – in MANY genres – with VERY HIGH QUALITY FORMAT
TIP: You can find a lot more than just free music on this site (I’ve built entire business models through it.)
Even YouTube approves videos with this music in the background – and they are STRICT. This source passes even the toughest of tests. Stop paying for stock music today.
In this video you’ll disover:
How to take any article and easily turn it into video
Unleashed: The automated system — using only FREE online resources — you can use to create YouTube-ready videos from articles
How to never again pay for those software programs that COST A LOT OF MONEY
This killer video explains:
How you can start building sites in markets that nobody will even know about for months (Talk about untapped profit potential!)
How to be the FIRST to have your websites indexed, the first to make your mark as an authority on the topic – and the first to profit from the exploding interest that you began preparing for months before.
This source reveals SO MANY trending markets you’ll be shocked — I guarantee it
As you undoubtedly keep hearing, mobile marketing is going to be huge in the coming days. This video will teach:
How to near-effortlessly create iPhone apps in less than an hour… with ZERO development fees
How to get any of your iphone apps approved, live and selling in the iTunes store
Use this to get MASSIVE credibility and authority in your niche
Most people totally underestimate how powerful LinkedIn is. This video is going to go over:
Not one but two insider methods for catching the attention of and building INSTANT AUTHORITY with the B.P.W.M.s (Big Players With Money) on LinkedIn. This works NOW
‘Hidden’ techniques you can use to get more profits as early as today
Taught for you in a hold-you-by-the-hand, step-by-step fashion
As you can see, these videos are ultra-powerful. You’ll get a lot from them.
If you’re ready to get a jump-start ahead of everyone else, these videos are ready to be instantly downloaded.
In just a few minutes you can be watching the videos, taking notes, and taking action.
I’ve even included a “Quick Reference Sheet” bonus PDF — with direct links to all the resources in the videos – that you can use right now….
And because I genuinely care about your success, I’ve made your investment a no-brainer.
I know – the price is ridiculously low… but I want to make sure I constantly overdeliver on anything I ever recommend.
It’s how I was able to build my reputation… and how I sleep at night.
And you know what else?
Even though it’s insanely inexpensive already, I’m going to make it even EASIER for you…
Hey – I know you work hard for your money.
If for any reason this doesn’t work out for you… all you have to do is let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll promptly refund all your money.
No questions, no hassles – it’s that simple.
With that said…
Ready to finally get ahead of the curve with your online business – before everyone else? Then just click the buy now button below. You’ll be accessing & watching your insider “7 Secret Seminar” videos just minutes from now.
And to make it even simpler for you…I had my friend offer you a bonus.
This video will show you how you’ll never again pay big money for your graphics.
Trust me – you’re going to get a LOT from these videos. I look forward to showing you how to jump ahead of your competition – starting today!
Fill out the order form below and I’ll look forward to seeing you on the other side:
Dennis Becker
P.S. – Remember, those who watch these videos will be those with the advantage. Will you have the advantage or do you want to hand it over to your competition? Secure your copy now!
P.P.S. – I know the price is right, so it’s not much to think about… but if you’re still on the fence, here are what some past clients have said about it:
My mind is spinning with new possibilities after watching the videos.
Personally, I was unfamiliar with many of the sites mentioned in the videos.
Of the few I did know, I had never thought of using them in the way they were demonstrated.
– Jenny Dunham
Excellent value if you enjoy staying ahead of the competition and being in the know! Highly recommended!
– Dave
“Very impressed…I will definitely be using these techniques in my backlink building efforts. Not only do these methods produce backlinks/traffic, but they are also free and take half the time of the backlinking methods I normally use.”
– Reynolds Corb
“Just went over your course and I have to say fab content… one of the best spends.”
– Simon Fusco
“Well done! It doesn’t get much easier or simpler than this. There is no reason in the world why anybody shouldn’t be able to follow the easy step by step format and put this to work immediately.”
– Mike Newton
“…info videos the way they should be made.
8 videos with first class info in each of them and not one was longer than 5 minutes +/- a few seconds.
Great information that is all actionable and no fluff – no filler.
– Ian Sneddon
“I have three words to describe the methods… unique, unique, and unique.
The videos are really inspiring, the type that makes you want to take action straight away.
Most of the sites he mentions, except for one, I have never heard of before.
The one I have, I didn’t really know the enormous potential it has to drive relevant traffic to my websites.”
– JS Coulou