Do you really want to earn money online?
Have you been trying anything, everything, for many months or even many years?
If so, then you really need to read every word on this page.
I’m going to make this short. You’ve wasted enough time already following false promises.
Are you looking for a magic button? Do you want to go from what you’re earning now to making over $100,000 per year, in a matter of days? Do you want to do this without having to do any work?
I know, that all sounds too good to be true… BECAUSE IT IS!
But the good news is, you’re just a few clicks of the mouse away from finally making a difference…
… in your income
… in your status
… in what you can do for your family
… in the time you no longer to have to spend chasing rainbows that aren’t real.
My name is Dennis Becker. In 2002 I started chasing those rainbows too.
I desperately needed to create an income from my computer because my retail store was going downhill fast, but my credit card debt was going uphill even faster.
My wife looked at me with worry in her eyes because she knew I wasn’t telling her how bad it was. She noticed that I was tossing and turning when I should have been sleeping like a baby after a 16 hour day at the store and computer.
I knew I wasn’t a dummy, but still I looked for the Internet Marketing for Dummies courses.
They weren’t titled that, but it seemed like a new one was coming out every week. I bought. I tried. I failed.
In 2005, things slowly started to come together. In 2006, I started paying down my debt.
And today I look back on all that pain and frustration and long hours and just shake my head.
If only this report would have been available then, it would all have been different.
Now before I go any further, I have to say, I’m not really going to show you how to print currency, that would be illegal, and I said this is legal.
What I can tell you is that inside the pages of this 140 page report is a plan.
A plan, that if followed, will help you reach the dreams you have for yourself.
I also have to tell you that I didn’t write this report myself. I purchased a license to pass it on to you from a person who earns over a million dollars a year from Internet marketing, and has for some time.
I’ve been following him myself, and what I’ve learned has made a difference in my business.
If you’re having a problem figuring out how to get started, or not making the IM income you want, stop and read this.
This is a personal review, I’ve just finished going through this entire report, word for word, and I have to tell you…
If you’re not making at least 6 figures annually, and desperately want to, and are willing to do so, stop chasing rainbows and buying bright shiny objects until you’ve had a chance to read this report and do what’s inside.
In the first half or so of the report, at least, you might think this is just a mindset report, and to a great degree it is, for the first half or so, but please… finish it… it’s filled with solid advice with reasons, written passionately and from experience.
You might disagree with some of it, but give it a chance. Read the whole report. Don’t skim. Finish it and don’t buy a single bright shiny object until you’ve at least done that.
Trust me, you’ll be glad you listened to me.
Here’s the table of contents:
Introduction 4 The “Print Your Own Money” System Uncensored! 8 Earning Your Own Money Out Of Thin Air! 10 How To Use House Money Online! 13 Do You Like Me, Check Yes Or No. 19 $250,000 Per Year. 21 How To Sell 24 Copywriting & Conversions 26 Branding! 27 Traffic! 28 Up-sells and Down-sells and Back-end Offers! 30 Auto Responder Emails! 32 Meetings & Communication with others 34 Learning time 35 Product Creation 36 Total Time Spent Each Week: 33 hours 38 Dear Six Figures 39 Never Ready 41 Model 42 Laser Beam 3000 Focus! 43 All You Have To Do 45 Master Persuasion 49 If You Do Not Have The Money To Invest… Or The Skills Required… You Should Be Willing To Put In Time And Effort! 50 The Six Figure Equation! 51 It Does Not Cost Much At All To Start An Online Business 57 Getting Started The Right Way! 59 You’re An Expert. 65 Money Out Of Thin Air, Step By Step! 68 The conversion Cheat Sheet! 85 Condensed Conversion Cheat Sheet: 98 The Moving Parade! 103 Traffic!! 105 Pay for Traffic Or Free Traffic! 106 JV Affiliates! 108 Here’s a checklist and pointers for recruiting affiliates and doing launches like this: 112 Rolling Launches & Webinar Launches 114 Webinar Cheat Sheet! 116 Paid Traffic! 119 Paid Traffic Can Be FREE! 121 Paid Traffic Platforms 123 Banners! 127 Everything Else When It Comes To Traffic! 130 Outsourcing Exposed! 131 Paying People To Do Stuff For You 133 The Wealth Mindset! 135 |
There is a wealth of knowledge in here. The author is not exactly telling you how to do things, but he’s telling you what things to do.
If you need to learn new skills to do some of the things that are necessary to get from where you are to $100K per year, then you can start buying infoproducts to acquire those skills. Those reports are in abundance, but plans like this are not.
There’s a difference between buying bits and pieces of different tactics and trying to piece the puzzle all together on your own without a plan…
… or having a blueprint that says do this, and do that, and then do that, but don’t worry about that over there.
Here’s a plan.
From where you are to $100,000 a year is possible, if you follow this plan. I can’t guarantee that YOU will achieve those results because I don’t know what you’ll do after you purchase this report.
Honestly, a lot of people buy reports and never even read the first page. If that’s you, then click away now.
More people buy a report and read the first 20 pages until their eyes get tired, and then never come back. If that sounds like you, again, click away now.
But if you’re willing to buy this now, download it, read it front to back (not just skim it), and then commit to reading it several times more until you really know how to assemble the parts that the blueprint tells you that you need to have, then I think this is for you.
I wish I would have written this book myself, it’s so accurate about the things that need to be done, the skills that have to be learned, the importance of following the steps.
But if I would have written this, I wouldn’t let this report go so inexpensively.
There is no magic button, but there is a magic plan, and this could be it… for you… now.
Of course your purchase of the Thin Air Report is risk free, you have my word on it. Even with this low price, and my bold claim that this could change everything for you, I take all the risk.
Just click on the big Add to Cart button below, complete payment, and you can download instantly.
But do more than that… please, Please, PLEASE, read the entire report, more than once, and let this blueprint make a difference in your life.
P.S. Why is this so inexpensive if it can change your life? I told you, I purchased a license to be able to sell this to you, and I know it can make a difference to you. I want you to have it. I’m not permitted by license to give it away, but I can sell it at this price. This is also an introductory offer, and the price will undoubtedly increase, so please order now.