Remember that gut-churning feeling that ruins your Sunday afternoons because you know you're back at work the next day?
(You can banish that feeling forever)
Or what about the missed school plays, sports days, time with your family watching your kids grow up or just plain old time for yourself MISSED because you weren't allowed the time off work?
(You'll have time for all these and much more)
We all have a finite amount of time on Earth, and to spend ONE FULL THIRD of our lives doing something most people actively dislike seems actively wrong to me
Hippy-dippy crap?
Work-shy dreamer speak?
Call it whatever you want but I'll tell you this right now:
I'm no smarter than you
I don't work any harder
And I'm definintely no more motivated or driven than you, I just freed myself up so I had more time to think about my online business, and once I was able to do that...
...quite frankly my income EXPLODED!