>> How the single biggest thing that's holding you back from massive online success isn't knowing what to do, it's knowing how to THINK
>> How 'embracing my inner moron' turned a business failure into a $10,000 profit.
>> How a horrible encounter with someone determined to ruin my business changed my thinking, but only after weeks of worry.
>> The complexity trap and why you can't see it when you're in it. I'll show you what to focus on, and what to ignore to maximise your profit
>> Why you MUST know what you want from life before you can even start moving your business forward
>> How we ALL lack vital attributes that hold our businesses back and how you can overcome this
>> The only REAL trait that successful online entrepreneurs share, and how it's NOTHING like you've been told in the past
>> The misconceptions that most new online marketers have, can never shake, and how it stops most of them ever becoming successful
>> Why YOU are your own worst enemy, and how to change this way of thinking overnight (changing this was a huge part of my own success)
>> How to find out if you're a permission-seeker and why this can ring the death bell for your business
>> How I deal with people who give me a hard time or try to sap my time and energy, and why you're almost certainly being held back by other people without realising it
>> Why it's important MENTALLY as well as financially to have multiple streams of income
>> Why you need to get real about the amount of money you need to live on, despite experts telling you to invest heavily in your online business
>> How you're probably focusing too much on the WRONG people and how it's affecting your success (Hint: these people are NOT who pay your bills!)
>> One of the biggest mistakes even experienced marketers make and why their profits fall because of it (I was guilty of what I call 'wandering' and how I changed my thinking to stop this in its tracks)
>> How I find the inspiration I need to keep my life, focus AND business healthy. This is vital to your success
>> Probably most important thing I can ever teach anyone about success, full stop. You need to know this (page 48)
>> My 'Shortcut Sheet' - my thoughts on what parts of online business I've focused on to keep my business safe and profitable over the last decade.